Exhibit Michael

"Billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers Arbejdsproces 4" video med lyd om Temaudstillingen "det NØGNE menneske" med bl.a Lotte Kjøllers installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" med maleriet "Michael" der blev udstillet i Kunsthal vARTe April 2018. Lyd i baggrunden Komponist Alfredo Moreleon.

"Visual artist Lotte Kjoeller's Work Process 4" video with sound about the Theme Exhibition "the NAKED human Art" with, among others, Lotte Kjoeller's installation "In the beginning was the picture" with the painting "Michael" which was exhibited in a exhibitionhall in April 2018. Audio in the background of Composer Alfredo Moreleon.

Beskrivelse:  Alle 3 malerier - også Michael - tager udgangspunkt i personlige oplevelser og en diskussion med Mogens Palm fra SAK Kunstbygning og omhandler Lottes oplevelser med engle. De er eksempler på hvad gode diskussioner og tanker hvor den ene tager den anden kan blive til. Billedet "Michael er blevet en hel installation. Disse malerier er meget store. Malerierne Michael, Båret og Stjernehimlen ses her færdige, indrammet og hængt på udstilling i Kunsthal vARTe samme sted som komponist Alfredo Moreleon, der havde skabt lyd inspireret af og til disse 3 værker til vARTe April 2018 - et lydbillede. På grund af lyden er det en video. Installationen består af Maleri, skulptur, bemalet stereoanlæg, lyd og video. Det startede bare med maleri men tingene har udviklet sig og den ene ide har skabt den anden. Det er nu blevet Lotte Kjøllers første istallation "I begyndelsen var billedet" som vi skal se i Kunsthal vARTe i varde, DK hvor den vises første gang dog uden video og Lars guitar. Ellers med lyd af Alfredo Moreleon og guitar af Lars.

Installationen er tænkt som et sted til fordybelse og reflektion. Mange besøgende sagde at der var en virkelig fin, anderledes stemning inde i installationen og at de var blevet berørt. En mand mente han havde set engle danse derinde. Andre har givet virkeligt flotte tilbagemeldinger om Lotte og Alfredos samarbejde. Så som - det er meget sjældent at se en virkelig god installation med lyd af en rigtig komponist, det plejer at bare være lyde. Det er et eksempel på når kunst og musik går op i en højere enhed - den musik er virkelig delikat og jeg kan høre malerierne i den. Den er et billede ligesom malerierne. Det viser at Komponist Alfredo Moreleôn er kunstnerisk begavet og kunstneren Lotte Kjøller musikalsk. - Og det er også det der er tilfældet. Det er måske derfor de har været venner snart et helt liv. Rygtet om installationen spredte sig i Varde og musikere begyndte at komme for at se den - fordi de havde hørt om den fra andre musikere. Malerierne er nu gjort færdige og indgår i en større installation og sammenhæng ved værkets uropførsel og videoen kan nu syne og lyde for sig selv. Videoen er skabt udenfor åbningstid for at give lyden den rette plads og betydning. Så læg endelig mærke til Alfredos specielle, anderledes og smukke musik i baggrunden fra det bemalede stereoanlæg.

Lars er den musiker der akkompanerer komponist Alfredo Moreleons smukke lydbillede - eller anderledes musik - skabt og komponeret til og af værkerne til billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers installation"I begyndelsen var billedet" med malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Båret" og "Michael" hængt op i denne rækkefølge som i Alfredos musik og Lars følger samme rækkefølge på sin guitar. Han er kommet til skade med sin hånd og uropførsel med guitar må vente. Videoen kan først nu gøres færdig da den slutter i Varde. Værket udvikler sig...


Description: All 3 paintings - also Michael - are based on personal experiences and a discussion with Mogens Palm from SAK Kunstbygning and deal with Lotte's experiences with angels. They are examples of what good discussions and thoughts where one takes the other can become. The picture "Michael" has become a whole installation. These paintings are very large. The paintings Michael, Carried and Starry sky are here finished, framed and hung at an exhibition in an exhibitionhall in the same place as composer Alfredo Moreleon who had made sound inspired by and to these 3 works for the early April 2018 - a sound image. Because of the sound, it's a video. The installation consists of Painting, sculpture, painted stereo, audio and video. It started only with a painting but things have evolved and one idea has created the other. It has now becomed Lotte Kjoeller's first instalation "At the beginning was the picture" as we will see it in vARTe exhibitionhall in Varde, DK where it appears for the first time without video and Lars guitar. Otherwise with the sound of Alfredo Moreleon and Lars guitar.

The installation is intended as a place for immersion and reflection. Many visitors said there was a really nice, different mood inside the installation and that they had been affected. A man meant he had seen angels dancing in there. Others have provided really great feedback about Lotte and Alfredo's cooperation. Such as - it's very rare to see a really good installation with the sound of a real composer, it usually just sounds alright. This is an example of how art and music go up in a higher order - that music is really delicate and I can hear the paintings in it. It's a picture like the paintings. It shows that Composer Alfredo Moreleôn is artistically gifted and the artist Lotte Kjoeller musically. - And that's the way it is. Maybe that's why they've been friends soon a whole life. The rumors about the installation spread in Varde and musicians began to come to see it - because they had heard of it from other musicians. The paintings have now been completed and included in a larger installation and consistency with the work of the work and the video can now sound  itself. The video is created outside opening hours to give the sound the right place and meaning. Then finally notice Alfredo's special, different and beautiful music in the background from the painted stereo system.

Lars is the musician who accompanies composer Alfredo Moreleon's beautiful soundtrack - or different music - created and composed for and by the works of Lotte Kjoeller's installation "At the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Starry night", "Carried" and "Michael" hung up in This order as in Alfredo's music and Lars follows the same order on his guitar. He has been injured with his hand and the guitar has to wait. The video can only be completed when it ends in Varde. The work is developing ...

Alfredo Moreleón, Komponist, blev født i México i 1948.

Bosat i Køge, Denmark siden 1981. Gift med sin danske kone Inger "Detlow" og de har 2 voksne børn. Alfredo Moreleon begyndte sine musikalske studier i en tidlig alder på Conservatorio Nacional de la Ciudad de México og fortsatte sine studier som selvstændig op til i dag, for som han selv siger: "Musik bliver man aldrig færdig med at studere". Gennem årene har han skrevet musik til orkester, strygeensemble, teater, biograf, musicals, ballet og andre former for musikalske bestræbelser. Alfredo har sit musikstudie i Køge hvor han bor og Lotte Kjøller er født og opvokset - og de har kendt hinanden snart et helt liv og betragter hinanden som far og datter. Så det er af kærlighed musikken og installationen er skabt.

Denne video er optaget udenfor Kunsthallens åbningstid så lyden rigtig kan komme til sin ret og derfor er videoen lige så lang som musikken - det betyder at der ikke er publikum i kunsthallen der kan larme - men det betyder også at publikum er borte fra billedet.


Alfredo Moreleón, Composer, was born in Mexico in 1948.

Resided in Køge, Denmark since 1981. Married to his Danish wife Inger "Detlow" and they have 2 adult children. Alfredo Moreleon began his musical studies at an early age at the Conservatory Nacional de la Ciudad de México and continued his studies as independent until today, as he say himselves, "Music is never finished studying." Over the years he has written music for orchestra, string ensemble, theater, cinema, musicals, ballet and other forms of musical endeavors. Alfredo has his music studio in Koege, Denmark where he lives and Lotte Kjoeller is born and raised - and they have known each other for a lifetime and consider each other as father and daughter. So it's of this love the music and the installation is created.

This video is recorded outside the opening hours of the Exhibitionhall, so the sound can be correct and therefore the video is as long as the music - and it means there is no audience in the art gallery that can be a noise - but it also means that the audience is away from the picture.

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