Distraction with sound

"Billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers Arbejdsproces 5" Video med musik-event i Lotte Kjøllers installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" med bl.a malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Båret og "Michael".

Lyd Komponist Alfredo Moreleon. Guitar Lars.

"Visual artist Lotte Kjoeller's Work Process 5" Video with music event in Lotte Kjoeller's installation "At the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Starry sky", "Carried og Michael".

Sound Composer Alfredo Moreleon. Guitar Lars.

Beskrivelse: Kommer. Lotte Kjøllers første Installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" består af Maleri, skulptur, bemalet stereoanlæg, lyd og video. Installationen er tænkt som et sted til fordybelse og reflektion. Malerierne er nu gjort færdige og indgår i en større installation og sammenhæng hvor installationen nu kan syne og lyde for sig selv.

Lars er den musiker der akkompanerer komponist Alfredo Moreleons smukke lydbillede under musik-events siddende inde i Lottes værk - en anderledes musik - skabt og komponeret til og af værkerne til billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" med malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Båret" og "Michael" i samme rækkefølge på sin guitar og i samme rækkefølge i Alfredos musik.

Alfredo Moreleón, Komponist, blev født i México i 1948. Bosat i Denmark siden 1981.

Han begyndte sine musikalske studier i en tidlig alder på Conservatorio Nacional de la Ciudad de México og fortsatte sine studier som autodidakt op til i dag, for som han selv siger: Musik bliver man aldrig færdig med at studere. Gennem årene har han skrevet musik til orkester, strygeensemble, teater, biograf, musicals, ballet og andre former for musikalske bestræbelser.

Lars er autodidakt musiker med mange år på bagen og har i samarbejde med Alfredo skabt et akkompagnement til lydbilledet på levende guitar til Lottes Kjøllers værk der kan fremføres under ferniseringen af en udstilling. Musikken varer ca. 15 min. Efter de 15 min.  kan Lars fortsætte med eget repertoar. Se installationen i sin endelige form her når den udstilles næste gang.


Description: Coming. Lotte Kjoeller's first installation "At the beginning was the picture" consists of Painting, sculpture, painted stereo, audio and video. The installation is intended as a place for immersion and reflection. The paintings have now been completed and take form as a part of a larger installation and context where the installation can now be seen and sound for itself.

Lars is the musician who accompanies composer Alfredo Moreleon's beautiful sound image during music events seated in Lotte's work - a different music - created and composed for and by the works of visual artist Lotte Kjoeller's installation "At the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Starry sky", " Carried "and" Michael "in the same order on his guitar and in the same order in Alfredo's music.

Alfredo Moreleón, Composer, was born in México in 1948. Resident in Denmark since 1981.

He began his musical studies at an early age at the Conservatory Nacional de la Ciudad de México and continued his studies as autodidact to date, as he himself says: Music is never finished studying. Over the years he has written music for orchestra, string ensemble, theater, cinema, musicals, ballet and other forms of musical endeavors.

Lars has been an musical artistic akademic mann.  He is autodidactic musician with many years on the bag and in collaboration with Alfredo he has created an accompaniment to the soundtrack of live guitar for Lottes Kjoeller's work that can be performed during the exhibition. The music lasts about 15 min. After the 15 min. can Lars continue with his own repertoire. See the installation in its final form here when it is displayed next time.

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